Hair Restoration Programs

All men and women develop progressive patterned hair loss as they grow older. At ZO Skin CentreTM, we offer personalized Hair restoration plans to improve the quality of the hair and stimulate hair growth. Density of hair follicle and diameter will be analysed by a derma scope and Pictures will be taken before and after the treatment.

PRP – PLATELET RICH PLASMA: PRP injections are used to treat hair loss. It uses your own blood platelets to stimulate hair growth where you are balding. It also thickens your existing hair.

GROWTH FACTORS: Growth Factors address damaged hair follicles and hair loss by employing patented Growth factor technology to provide support to these stem cells restoring healthy hair growth cycles, rejuvenating damaged hair follicles and improving hair quality and texture.

MESO HAIR VITAMINS: Meso Hair treatment injects natural plant extracts, vitamins, Amino acids delivering nutrients to the hair, nourishing the hair roots and increasing blood flow to the scalp.

NANO FAT INJECTIONS: ZO offers Nano fat injections which is a very safe, simple procedure for treating Hair loss and Alopecia. Nano Fat helps miniaturized hair follicles to become healthier, producing more hair growth.